Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice - How to Tell What's Real and What's Not by Nina Shapiro, M.D.

Nina Shapiro elegantly walks the reader through current medical knowledge and what is uncertain in medicine.

She describes the ‘clinically-proven’ trend that you see on countless adds for products, and describes whether this title is worthy of your blessing.

In these times where the line between real and fake news, and when falsities in healthcare are rampant, Shapiro provides us with a guide to truth-seeking and healthy skepticism in today’s healthcare world.


Why you should read this book:

  • To be able to debunk many assumptions we make about health and medicine.
  • You’ll be entertained while simultaneously educated.
  • You’ll be able to understand what’s truly good for you from the data-driven truth.
  • You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t, as well as why.
  • Why taking health advice from celebrities and the media is not the best idea.


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